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Free Content!

Welcome! Here is some wonderful content that will change your life if you let it.


If you want to build more exercise into your daily life then check out our Fit In The Moment Taster for a weeks worth of movements you can slot into your day! 

The Mme Taster is just the same but designed for those less mobile. 

If you’d like to go a little more in-depth all you need to do is provide your email and we’ll send you a password to access the full library which has hundreds of videos to get you stretching strengthening and successfully achieving your goals without having to commit to a class! 


Or maybe you need something a little gentler, something to heal and undo any chronic tension you may be carrying. Try our pain relief Pod-Classes and learn that aches aren’t a by-product of ageing and that you can prevent, treat and reverse the stiffness and soreness that comes from day to day living. 

If you enjoy any of these taster and would like to learn more, then just pop in your email and you’ll receive a message with the magic password that will give you access to a full Pod-class & More videos

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Pain Relief Podcast

An introduction the the key movement in Somatic pandiculation. You’ll learn how to release tension in the torso, relieving lower back pain and improving core control

Try our 20 minute introduction Pod-class here

First ClassThe Studio Indigo
00:00 / 19:20

If you enjoyed that then just sign up in the email box above this to get your first full pod-class FREE

Fit In The Moment

A wide selection of videos to work you from your head to your toes, Mobilising, Strengthening, Stretching and Releasing your way to all your fitness goals without having to leave the house! 


Move More Easily

Every body needs to move, the problem for some is how to do it safely, these exercises are gentle and supported, designed to work with the body rather than against it. Short and simple to follow along with, they’ll work your body safely from the comfort of your favourite chair!

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